How to Remove Unwanted Fat from Body?

If you are looking for a minimally invasive fat removal treatment in Abu Dhabi, Laser liposuction is your best way to go. Laser liposuction is an advanced technique of liposuction that not only melts and removes unwanted fat from the body but it will also tighten loose and sagging skin by promoting collagen production in the skin. The treatment does not involve any invasiveness but heat energy from laser beams to dislodge the unwanted fat tissues.

Treatment Areas

Laser liposuction can be performed various body areas including arms, back, abdomen, Love Handles, Hips, thighs, Buttocks. Gynecomastia (a condition of overly grown male breasts) can also be treated with laser liposuction treatment in Abu Dhabi & Dubai. Laser liposuction can also be performed on facial regions including; chin, jowls and neck area.


This treatment is suitable for anybody who has excess body fat that needs to be removed.


The procedure does not require administration of a general anaesthesia, a local anaesthetic can do the job.

Recovery Process

The recovery process is not as uncomfortable as a traditional liposuction. No significant downtime is required, although the duration of rest required varies from person to person. You may experience swelling and bruising that will take a week or two in disappearing. You will have to wear a compression garment which reduces swelling and cold compresses can be used to reduce the discomfort.

Risks & Side Effects

There is no risk of serious complications involved with a laser liposuction. However, you may experience side effects like swelling for a week or two.


You will start experiencing the difference right after the treatment but complete results will take two to three weeks in becoming visible because of swelling. The outcomes are permanent but you will have to maintain them with a healthy diet and work out plan.
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About Unknown

Dubai Cosmetic Surgeon is a healthcare expert and a part-time blogger who loves to inspire a healthy and confident lifestyle in others. She is a registered surgeon, currently engaged with laser skin care clinic in Dubai And laser treatment clinic in Abu Dhabi
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  1. If you have stubborn fat on particular area, get Liposuction treatment! But, never choose it as an option for weight loss.
